Resin molds are so fun to use and truly can bring out your creative side that shows your uniqueness.

There are many types of molds that can be used to create amazing resin crafts with that will last an entire lifetime.

Molds are also made from various types of materials in which one type can give you a shiny finish while another one can give you a matte finish.

Resin molds are made from silicone material that makes it easy to remove your resin crafts from once they are completely dry and hardened.

Resin is used for many types of projects such as designing a countertop, making earrings, coasters, jewelry, storage compartments, and so much more.

There are a long list of designs you can make with various resin molds as well as you can use many types of decorations to the resin to change the color or add glitter for some shimmer.

Maca powder is also great for using with resin to give it an amazing shiny vibrant color look that really stands out.

Acrylic paint can also be added to resin in small portions to create a certain look that you desire for your craft.

Alcohol ink is another great product that you can add to resin to create cool and interesting effects with that will really make your craft stand out.

For even more decorations you can add flowers, candy, beads, stickers, sand, seashells, and more to get many beautiful effects.

For most types of resin, it takes up to 24 hours to fully cure however, there are some types of resin that take less or more time to cure depending on the brand you use.