Working with clay is fun and fascinating when you realize there are thousands of ceramics you can create that will be here for decades or even centuries.

Making pottery is also very relaxing, and it is like bonding with Mother Nature at the same time as for clay comes from the earth.

Working with clay is a great way to meditate and let your entire creative side flow freely and just see what happens, you might just be amazed at how it turns out.

Children can also have lots of fun working with clay and truly letting their creative abilities shine bright through the projects they finish.

Making ceramics/pottery is easy to learn, just like any other skill you get great at all it takes is practice to be your best.




  • Clay should be used in a room that is specifically for working with clay due to the amount of tiny dust particles that comes from it while being designed, and after it is finished.

  • It is best to have plenty of clean backup water to use with the clay or access to a sink without getting clay inside the drain that will cause clogs in the water pipes.

  • You will also need a couple of towels to wipe your hands on and to help keep the work area clean as possible while you are working.

  • It is also a good idea to cover the floors where you will be working with clay in case of any accidents or spills that can be difficult to clean depending on the floors type of surface.

  • It is important to have a sturdy table to work on for good balance so, you can get the design you want for the craft and prevent damage.

  • When you are done sculpting the clay in the form of your design, you will then need a shelf to use for the clay to sit, dry, and become solid.

  • After the clay is completely dry, you can begin putting on a glaze which creates a shiny and smooth finished look.

  • For many of the crafts you can make your hands are all you need for sculpting however, there are many other tools that can be a big help to you when creating certain designs.

  • Temperature plays another role in creating ceramics and knowing what degree the clay matures at for the best results.

  • An apron can also come in handy for preventing stains on your clothes, also to keep hands clean.

  • A sponge will also help you transfer water to the clay to keep it easier to manage while in the process of sculpting it.

  • It is important to not use and excessive amount of water when wetting the clay as for it can be difficult to keep in the form of a mold as well as it may cause bending or prevent the clay from drying.

  • Often a kiln is used when the clay is ready to be fired which is also when clay begins to shrink as it is drying depending on the type of clay you are using.

  • You will also want to use something such as a canvas to do your clay sculpting on, so it does not get stuck to your work station and can easily be moved without causing damage to it.