There are various types of paint you can use for creating amazing beautiful art.

Several factors should be considered when choosing your type of paint for a project such as the texture you want the end result to have, the amount of shine you want to see, even how long the drying time is, it is really your choice of what you are looking for in a paint. 

Some types of paints have been around for centuries that have created the most well-known paintings that still exist to this very day.

Over the years the quality of paints has somewhat improved, so they will last much longer on whatever kind of surface you are painting.

Quality is important when you are wanting a painting to look as great as it did the day it was created many years down the road.















  • ACRYLIC PAINT – This type of paint is very popular in the artist community due to all the techniques you can use with it. Acrylic paint dries fairly quickly, and it is also easy to clean up. There are different types of acrylic paint such as metallic, pastel, glossy, latex, premixed, and more. This paint is great for many types of canvas also.

  • ENAMEL – Enamel is well-known for its vibrant colors as well as the amazing glossy look when it is finished drying. This is an oil-based paint however, it can be found in water-based to. Enamel dries quickly as a hard permanent finish. Safety precautions should be taken while using this type of paint due to its level of toxicity. 

  • ENCAUSTIC – With this type of paint, it takes a few steps to prepare it before using it. A pigment color is added to hot beeswax making a paste. This paint can be used on wood and a canvas. You can use various art tools to sculpt and shape this paint before it has cooled to a low temperature. A heat gun can also be used to give you extra working time with this paint as well.

  • FRESCO – This is a type of painting technique that is created by adding pigment to water then applying the mixture to a layer of plaster that is still wet. This type of paint is great for creating texture such as popcorn ceilings or for creating wall art. When using this technique, you have to move quickly before the plaster dries, and it is no longer workable.

  • GOUACHE – When using this type of paint, you will get a matte finish look. Using a varnish over this type of finished paint will help to seal the painting to prevent damage. There is also Gouache paint that has an acrylic-based binder rather than water-based which make the paint more durable to last longer.

  • HOUSE – There are many types of house paints that are great to use for decorating your home, office, or other places. Certain types of house paints can also be used on a canvas. Some house paints can be used alongside acrylic paints to get amazing effects and finished results. House paint with silicone can also help to create awesome cells on a canvas as well.

  • INK WASH – Ink wash is a simple type of paint that is also used for calligraphy with the ability to get different designs based on the thickness of the ink. Certain types of ink can also be used in resin to create colorful effects. Ink wash is great for using with a paint brush and using different techniques to create amazing portraits.

  • OIL – Oil paint has been around for centuries and has been used to create some beautiful unique paintings. This type of paint dries very slowly which gives you more time to work with it. Oil paint is great for creating texture in a painting as well due to its thickness. This kind of paint will still be popular for years to come for the beauty that can be created from it.

  • PASTEL – Pastel paints can be found with a chalk-base, oil-base, and acrylic-base. Depending on the type of binder in pastel paints, that will determine the drying time. Pastel paintings should be sealed with a varnish when they are dry due to the paint can easily lift off of a surface. 

  • SPRAY – Spray paint can be used for many types of projects, and it is popular for street artist. Spray paint has also been used to create some of the most beautiful graffiti and murals on buildings and other places. This type of paint should be used in a well ventilated area as well. Spray paint also offers many colors to choose from to get amazing results.

  • TEMPERA – Tempera paint, although this type of paint is not as popular as it once was, it is still used til this very day. Certain types of tempera paints are made up of egg yolks mixed with water or vinegar with added pigment to get the desired color. Tempera paints have created some well-known paintings that still exist in great condition today.

  • WATERCOLOR – Watercolor paints are simple to use as well as they are easy to clean up. This type of paint dries quickly and is of course water-based so, it is also non-toxic. Watercolor paints are safe for children to use to. Paintings created with watercolors should also be protected when dry due to the paint can be made reactivated if it gets wet.